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Therapeutic 1.Dry Cough, dry throat, dry nose2.Bronchitis, pharyngitis, corpulmonale, tuberculosis, pneumothorax3.Wheezing, hot palms and feet, night sweats, chronic sore throat
Chinese Therapeutic EffectsStregthens the lungNourishs yinStops coughing
FormulaLily Bulb Formula is the traditional Bai He Gu Jin Tang formula used to nourish and moisten the lungs. Lily (bai he) moistens the lungs and clears heat. Raw and cooked rehmannia (shu and sheng di huang) clears heat, supplements the yin. Ophiopogon (mai men dong) nourishes yin. Scrophularia (xuan shen) clears heat and brings fluid to the lungs. Platycodon (jie geng) and fritillaria (chuan bei mu) stop coughing. Tang kuei (dang gui) and white peony (bai shao) nourish the blood to benefit the yin. Licorice (gan cao) harmonizes and detoxifies.
Lily bulb (bai he)
Rehmannia root (raw & cooked) (sheng & shu di huang)
Ophiopogon tuber (mai men dong)
Fritillaria bulb (chuan bei mu)
Platycodon root (jie geng)
Tang Kuei root (dang gui)
White Peony root (bai shao)
Licorice root (gan cao)
Scrophularia root (xuan shen)
Therapeutic 1.Dry Cough, dry throat, dry nose2.Bronchitis, pharyngi...