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Therapeutic Actions1.Useful for woman with fatigue and dysmenorrhea as a result of childbirth, surgery, abortions, lifestyle2.Initiates uterine contraction and clears retained uterine blood following childbirth3.Dispels retained placenta4.Stops mild bleeding5.Reduces pain and abdominal cramping
Chinese Therapeutic EffectsTonifies spleen qiTonifies bloodNourishes jing (kidney essence)Invigorates blood and dispels stasisStops deficiency bleedingStops pain
FormulaThis formula was designed by Dr. Jake Fratkin and used successfully in his clinic. It is primarily for postpartum normalization of the uterus, and to replenish Qi and jing lost during labor. Its foundation is Eight Treasures Decoction (Ba Zhen Tang), the classic formula for tonification of Qi and blood. To this has been added astragalus (huang qi) to reinforce the building of Qi and blood, ho-shou-wu to nourish blood, yin, and jing, gelatinum (e jiao) and artemisia (ai ye) to arrest deficiency bleeding, and crataegus (shan zha) to treat abdominal pain. Three herbs, salvia (dan shen), leonurus (yi mu cao), and rubia (qian cao gen) are used synergistically to invigorate blood, dispel stasis and expel the placenta. They also act to contract the uterus and return it to normal size.
Clinical Notes1.Postpartum is safe to take while nursing2.Postpartum can be used as a general formula when woman have a combination of Qi and Blood deficiency and Blood stasis3.Postpartum fatigue is a common presentation after childbirth. For many women, it may be the underlying cause of Qi and Blood deficiency that lasts throughout the rest of their life4.In China, postpartum formulas are routinely given for four to six weeks following childbirth. In cases of hard or prolonged labor, the formula may be necessary for eight to twelve weeks5.May be used following abortion, or abdominal surgery6.In cases of severe bleeding due to retention of the placenta or uterine rupture, medical intervention may be necessary. This formula can aggravate bleeding due to rupture and should not be used in this instance.
Ginseng root (ren shen)
Astragalus root (huang qi)
Rehmannia (cooked) root (shu di huang)
Salvia root (dan shen)
Poria sclerotium (fu ling)
Leonurus herb (yi mu cao)
Tang Kuei root (dang gui)
White Peony root (bai shao)
Ho-shou-wu root (he shou wu)
White Atractylodes rhizome (bai zhu)
Ligusticum fruit (chuan xiong)
Gelatinum asini (e jiao)
Crataegus fruit (shan zha)
Rubia fruit (qian cao gen)
Citrus peel (chen pi)
Artemisia leaf (ai ye)
Licorice root (gan cao)
Therapeutic Actions1.Useful for woman with fatigue and dysmenorrhea as a res...