
Jing Fang Bai Du San (Capsules) [EXP. DATE: 03/2028]

Apply Custom Rx Label ?

* Fill Out the Information Below for Custom Labelling

Reference Name*:

(For your records)

Formula Label Name:

(To be printed on label)

Pharmacy Instructions:
Kamwo Suggestions:
dosing instructions
Manufacturer Label Unit Size:
100 capsules
Manufacturer Label Dosages:
3 to 6 capsules three times per day

Manufacture spoonful (1.0g)

Capsule (0.7g)

Times Daily:
Number of Days:
---- OR ---- Click checkbox to add Instructions.

Custom Instructions:

(60 charecters max)


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Also available in Granules and Tea Pills

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* Creating and Using Custom Labels what does create and use custom label mean?

Kamwo replaces the Manufacture's label with a Rx label with custom info entered by practitioner.

about why should I create a custom label?

Manage patient dosing by specifying number of refills.

Prevent patient from self-medicating (without practitioner consultation) by buying medicine with manufacture label.

Add retainer (for practitioner effort) with a total price that is above product's retail price.

PATIENT NAME: The name of the patient whom this product is intended to be used by.
Formula Label Name: Name of the formula used in the prescription.
Unit Size: Size of the prescription, based on grams and the number of bottles.
Custom Practitioner Dosing Instructions: Choose from preloaded instructions or create your own set.
Date Filled: The date that the prescription was filled for the patient.
Expiration Date: The date that the product is best used by.
Rx Number: Number allocated with the prescription.
Practitioner Name: The patient's prescribing Practitioner's full name.

Patent Formula Name
Jing Fang Bai Du San
Alternative Name
Schizonepeta & Siler Formula
Product Line
Meridian Pro
Dosage Forms
Unit Size
100 capsules
3 to 6 capsules three times per day
Allergy Warning

Schizonepeta Aerial Parts - Jing Jie

Siler Root - Fang Feng

Notopterygium Root - Qiang Huo

Pubescent Angelica Root - Du Huo

Bupleurum Root - Chai Hu

Peucedanum Root - Qian Hu

Platycodon Root - Jie Geng

Bitter Orange Mature Fruit - Zhi Ke

Sichuan Lovage Rhizome - Chuan Xiong

Poria Sclerotium - Fu Ling

Fresh Ginger - Sheng Jiang

Chinese Licorice Root - Gan Cao

Chinese Mint Aerial parts- Bo He